Saturday 16 May 2015

Egypt ex- Leader Mohammed Morsi, Sentenced to Death

Egypt ex-leader Mohammed Morsi and more than 100 other people have been sentenced to death by an Egyptian court over a mass prison break in 2011.

Morsi is already serving a 20-year prison term for ordering the arrest and torture of protesters while in power.

According to BBC, Morsi's supporters from his Muslim Brotherhood movement have described the charges against him as "farcical".
He was deposed by the military in July 2013 following mass street protests against his rule.

Since then, the authorities have banned the Muslim Brotherhood and arrested thousands of his supporters.

The Brotherhood issued a statement condemning the sentence and called for an escalation of protests.
But the tight security grip in Egypt means that it is highly unlikely to see mass demonstrations.
Hundreds of Brotherhood supporters are already behind bars, while others are keeping a low profile for fear of a crackdown.

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